When Civil War II kicks off this summer, a decision by Tony Stark will spark a showdown between Stark Enterprises and the Inhumans in a tie-in story by Charles Soule in Uncanny Inhumans.

And according to the writer, the consequences of the battle will cause a major story beat that he's been planning for the Inhumans since he first wrote them.

The story, which was announced at C2E2, begins in Uncanny Inhumans #11 by Soule and artist Carlos Pacheco, and spins out of the events of Civil War II #2.

Soule: Yes. The basic idea is that Tony Stark did something that Tony Stark was correct, and something he had to do — the way that Tony Stark often does. He's a person who feels like the moral authority he requires resides entirely within himself.

And as part of this decision that he makes, the Inhumans are… the word that comes to mind is disrespected, but it's a lot more specific than that. Their sovereignty is challenged. Their status as a nation is challenged.

So they're also in a situation that has no way out.

I feel like it's very much in the tradition of a Civil War story in which both sides have a point of view you can completely understand, and yet there's no real easy way to avoid conflict and to avoid fighting.

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